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Some useful insights on choosing an Offshore Mobile App Development Company

13 Mar

Image 1Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and we are fortunate to have an easy access to several tools for building mobile apps that look rich and function flawlessly. If you too are looking ahead to build a fabulous mobile application, then it is recommended to opt for a reputed offshore mobile app development company that can serve you with a final product that’s worth numerous applauds. So, keep on reading this article to gather some interesting and helpful insights on hiring such a company for meeting your mobile app development needs.

1. Check the total years of experience of developers working for the company
The greater the amount of experience, the more proficient is the developer in delivering you the expected final product. While finding an offshore mobile app development agency, do check out the total work experience of the developers who’re going to be associated with your app development project.

2. Prepare a detailed list of project requirements
It is very important for you to be clear on how you want your mobile application to work. In other words, be clear on all the aspects that you want to include within the application. Make sure to prepare the content that needs to go into the app pages. It is better to create presentations showcasing everything that you want for your mobile application. Do make it a point to respond to all the inquiries coming in from the service providers. This would help you in settling down for the best mobile app developer.

3. Check out the previous projects handled by the company
Cross-checking the quality of services already offered by the app development agency is perhaps one of the most crucial things which need to be kept in mind. You must ask for the live links of apps which have been developed by the company’s employees. This will allow you to get a clearer picture of the quality of application that you can expect from the respective mobile application development firm.

4. Check out the infrastructure of the company
Having a look at the past projects and apps delivered by the company would allow you to get a better idea about the firm’s infrastructure. That means you’ll be able to take a good decision as to whether the agency would be competent in delivering you the expected final product or not.

5. Check out for the much necessary after project delivery support rendered by the app development firm
Before sealing a project with a particular offshore Android or iPhone app development company, it is beneficial for you to check whether the firm delivers seamless after project delivery support or not. Ensure to choose a company which is ready to listen to all your queries at any point of time, even after your application is live and available for the general public.

Now that you know some of the best things about hiring an offshore mobile app development firm, I’m sure you wouldn’t fret proceeding ahead for the same. So, get on and opt for a company that will provide you an absolutely stunning mobile application.

Switching to iOS8? 4 Upgrade problems and solutions you must know for sure

25 Sep

Image 1After having enjoyed the multiple benefits of iOS7, I’m sure you’d be all excited to upgrade to iOS8. Well, as someone who’s been an iOS user since years, you might be familiar with the issues that tend to crop in during an upgrade process. If you too are concerned about making your iOS8 upgrade process smooth and flawless, then this is a blog that will serve as your guide. Here, I’ve covered details about some common upgrade problems that are faced by iOS consumers. In addition to this, I’ve also jotted down the solutions for each individual problem that creeps in while your Apple device’s operating system is being upgraded from iOS7 to iOS8.

1. Not enough space for upgrading to iOS8

It is vital to note that just like its amended Custom iPhone App Development, iOS8 update requires nearly 5 GB of storage space, depending on the device model. There are users who often come across an issue of not having enough space for the successful upgrade. An easy solution to this iOS8 upgrade process is to delete all the data that’s occupying more space on your device. You can choose to delete unwanted photos, videos, apps, games, temporary files, cache, cookies, log files etc.

2. Data loss after updating iOS7 to iOS8

Image 2As per a recent survey, it has been found that more than 20,000 people have actually lost their device data while upgrading from iOS7 to iOS8. A simple solution to this problem is backing up all your device data using the iTunes or the iCloud service. Under situations where no backup service is available, you can opt for selectively recovering specific data. PhoneRescue is a brilliant iOS data recovery tool that’s specially made for recovering all your lost yet valuable iOS data.

3. System gets frozen or stops during the iOS8 upgrade

This is yet another common problem faced by Apple product owners who’ve chosen to upgrade their existing iOS to iOS8. Closely related to internet connection problems, an iOS8 upgrade may take a while to complete and you need to keep your cool. If the system gets frozen, then all you need to do is simply hold down the Sleep/Wake button along with the Home button for about ten seconds to reboot the device. Once the device reboots, simply go to Settings-> General-> Check the iOS8 version the device is running on. If the value displayed here isn’t iOS8 then simply restart the update process from scratch.

4. Installed apps crash and don’t load

Image 3Apple users who’ve upgraded or availed skilled iPhone Application Developers for all-new iOS8 have detected apps crash issue. A possible remedy to this common iOS8 upgrade issue is double tapping the Home button and swiping on any of the app that’s been crashing. You can even opt for a device restart by holding down the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears on the device screen. Yet another simple solution is opting for un-installing the problematic app and reinstalling after a specific amount of time.


With a clear insight on all the common iOS8 upgrade problems and their solutions, I’m sure it’d become flexible for you to switch from iOS7 to iOS8 without worrying about any unwanted issues that may creep in during the process.

ALSO READ: Stepwise guideline on developing iOS games using Corona SDK

5 Step process to passing data from UITableView to Detail View Controller

19 Sep

Image 1The incredible performance of iOS devices has encouraged developers to get engaged in iOS programming avenues. As someone who’s new to the field of iOS programming, there might be situations wherein you may want to pass the data from UITableView to Detail View Controller. In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps that are involved with the process of passing data from UITableView to Detail View Controller.

Here, I’ll be using a NSMutableArray that will be loaded with data fetched from Wikipedia. If you find it convenient to use SQLite data for populating the array or Core Data, you may opt for the same. And now, the steps involved in passing data from UITableView to Detail View Controller:

Step 1- Create the SampleData and Project NSObject Subclass

For such iPhone Application Development Services, simply create a Single View Application project and once you’re done with it, add a new NSObject subclass called SampleData. Next, in the header file, add three instance variables to represent the data as explained below:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface SampleData : NSObject

@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString * treeName;

@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString * treeDescription;

@property(nonatomic,strong) UIImage * treePicture;


After this, synthesize the aforementioned three variables.

Step 2- Add the SampleDataDAO Subclass

Image 2

For this, create the SampleDataDA class and load the data in the data source. In the header file, define a NSMutableArray for the data source as shown below:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "SampleData.h"

@interface SampleDataDAO : NSObject

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray * someDataArray;

-(NSMutableArray *)PopulateDataSource;


Step 3- Build UITableViewController

For this, all you need to do is simply open the storyboard and add a new UITableViewController from the Object Library. With the UITableViewController selected, right click on the Cell Prototype and drag the connection to the DetailViewController. Further, with the Cell Prototype selected, open the Attributes inspector and name the Call in the identifier field. Once you’re done with the creation of segue, select it and open the Attributes inspector, followed by entering the “treeCell” identifier field.

Step 4- Configure the cellForRowAtIndexPath method

Image 3This is done for adding the data source to the cells. Here, you’ll need to change the value of the CellIdentifier to the name that has been defined in the storyboard’s Cell Prototype. Here’s the listing for the complete implementation of the cellForRowAtIndexPath method:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath


    static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"treeCell";


    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];

    if (cell == nil) {

        cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier];




    SampleData * sample = [self.ds objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

    cell.textLabel.text = sample.treeName;

    NSLog(@"Cell Value %d %@",indexPath.row,  cell.textLabel.text);


    return cell;


Step 5- Develop the kIViewController Class

You can either avail iPhone App Developer for Hire or start this by simply opening the storyboard and adding a UITextField and an UIImageView to the view controller that has already been created with the initial project. After this, create IBOutlets for both; UITextField and UIImageView by control dragging connections to the header file and naming them as treeInfo and treePicture respectively. Next, define a SampleData instance variable called treeData which will contain the SampleData information that needs to be selected in the kIListViewController. See the listing below:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import "SampleData.h"

@class SampleData;

@interface klViewController : UIViewController

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextView *treeInfo;

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *treePicture;

@property (nonatomic, strong) SampleData * treeData;


ALSO READ: Security Alerts- A brand new offering for iCloud Users


So, those were the five simple-to-follow steps that enable an iOS developer to pass data from UITableView to DetailViewController. Hope you’d have found the steps interesting and worthy enough to implement in the best possible manner.

No more worries for iPhone users with facile data recovery options

14 May


Maintaining contacts is a very crucial task among users just like you manage your smartphone. But, many times, you might have also gone through the phases when all your contacts have been deleted. What do you actually do, once, it is deleted. If, you are an iPhone user, restoring it is also possible as there is a plethora of apps that will let you to create online as well as offline backups so that you can share them anytime. Even before you jailbreak and upgrade the iPhone, creating the backup of contacts is also essential and this can be leveraged by a reputable iPhone App Development Company, in case you are not a technical freak.

There are various scads available on App Store that need to maintain for the backup . A few of them listed as follows which you can easily download to use your iPhone without any worries against contact missing.


Get instant backup for contacts:

My Contacts Backup Pro:


This app is just worth $2. The app is also feature rich as well as simple to use, but it has a bit of exception of Dropbox for the uploading that will work amazingly, however, it may also confuse you a little bit. You can launch the app and definitely, it will offer you the screen reflecting the total number of contacts founded. There also exist the lucrative “Backup” button. Just hit the button and it will update you with the progress status. It will also offer the user to email with the resulting file. Here, we are all done, but if you will stop right here, this will definitely going to be your favorite app.


Contacts Backup:


Contacts Backup is another app which is also the result of efforts of many iPhone Application Developers that most of you must have tried. It is worth $3 only and ranks as expensive within the realm of an app store. However, you might have also mistaken, if you think that you can bag the top quality app with set of sterling features. Obviously, the app will retain with the backup to Dropbox, but not at a point which is expected. It will automatically create a file at the path which is not even expected.




Here comes an app which is more than any other contacts backup app. All the iPhone contacts will aid you in restoring all the vital contents including videos, photos and much more directly to the online storage which can be retrieved from any location from the website Using this account; videos and pictures can be shared using popular social networking websites known as Facebook, YouTube and Picasa. By such aspects, one can gain success with iOS App Development services.

About to launch a smartphone? An investment in Android App Development is a must

8 May


With the smartphone market getting loaded with innovative gadgets that operate on Android, it might get challenging to find a unique niche for your newly launched smartphone. If you’re planning to launch a new smartphone then it is highly recommended to design the phone based on the Android mobile operating system. Getting in touch with reputed Android App Development companies is one way of developing a finest Android enabled smartphone. In this blog, I’ll be elaborating on the importance of an investment into Android App Development.

Android smartphones will continue to rule for many more long years


In addition to holding a strong presence in the current smartphone market, Android will continue to rule the market for many long years to come. Thanks to the classy features and amazing display, Android enabled smartphones will be on a high demand among mobile users of different age groups. Android utilizes a variety of apps that render the user a flexibility to perform different activities using his/her smartphone device.

Android is an open source framework-Means no more time or money wastage


As an open source framework, Android enables each Android Application Developer to create mobile applications without wasting their time or money. With no need for paying any licensing fee or waiting for the approval, the Android app developers can easily come up with truly brilliant applications that allow smartphone users to get indulged in different activities. So, whether you’re a start-up firm or an established entrepreneur, investing in Android app development will allow you to make the most of your smartphone launch. With a wide population of Android users residing in different corners of the world, you can always rest assured about the incredible performance of your Android based smartphone. And the best part is that you need not spend a hefty sum of cash on developing an Android powered hand-held device.

Higher ROI(Return on Investment) in limited price


One of the most crucial advantages of choosing Android as the mobile operating system for your smartphone is the higher returns on investment. With numerous Android app development companies prevalent in the web market, it is quite hassle-free for the business owners to hire trained Android app developers who are skilled in designing robust and instinctive applications for global Android users.



With so many advantages associated with using Android operating system, it’s a good decision to make an investment in Android App Development. You’ll definitely be able to make your smartphone a huge success by powering it with the very cool and contemporary Android operating system. 

Understanding The Path To Successful Android App Development

17 Apr

See on Scoop.itAndroid – Mobiers

We live in a technology-driven world, where we come across a new technology with each passing day. People covet to obtain the new technology once they come to know about its launch in the marketplace. Seeing this, businesses try to adapt the varying market trends quickly. They do so in order to augment their offerings and to meet their customers expectations. Today one of the most coveted technology that helps deliver businesses with high return on investment is mobile application, and Android is the most popular mobile operating platform that is used for building intriguing apps.

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Rekindle your failing business via Android Apps Development

15 Apr

See on Scoop.itAndroid – Mobiers

Every businessman undergoes tough times during his/her business undertakings. As someone who’s looking ahead to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to face all the hardships that come your way. Fortunately, the mobile industry has come up as a great relief for enterprises which are on the verge of a shutdown. Through this article, I’ll be focusing on reigniting a failing business via investing in Android Apps Development.

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Surviving stiff business competition via Android Applications Development

12 Apr

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Nowadays, Android smartphones are on a popular demand among people residing in different parts of the world. Not only young teenagers but even the senior citizens have been thoroughly impressed from the exquisite features available with Android mobile operating system. It has actually become hard to imagine life without android smartphones. In this article, I’ll walk you through Android features that have made it a must-have for every business professional who’s thinking about exploring greater opportunities.

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Check out for these 5 non-technical skills in your Android app developer – – Mobile Apps Development Services

12 Apr

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Android Mobile Application Development has outgrown as one of the most popular trends followed by renowned business owners. If you too are looking forward to promoting your brand in a result-oriented manner, developing an eye-catchy Android application…

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Top 10 YouTube Tricks for a Brilliant YouTube Experience – inewtechnology

9 Apr

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YouTube Tricks for YouTube, as we all know it is an amazing video website where you can find plenty of videos related to different genres.

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