Tag Archives: iPhone Application Development Services

A Simple Guide To Develop A Location Based iOS Application

10 Dec

The evolution of Smartphones has revolutionized the businesses across the globe. And applications being the cornerstone of Smartphones are the most resourceful offerings that have helped businesses efficiently reach a wider audience base to promote their products and services.iPhone application development services

Today, with the rising demand of presence of iPhone application development services, the apps have become a perfect means to target the gigantic mobile user base. From tech giants to small-scale merchants, almost everyone is producing an app to promote their business effectively and efficiently. Most interestingly, Android and iOS are the much sought after choice for companies, as they are the most popular platforms.

Location-based applications are most praised and admired by the consumers across the world. These kind of applications allows users to better connect with their surrounding world and conveniently retrieve the requisite information on the go.

For the folks who are interested in creating a captivating geolocation application for iOS users while incorporating the GPS capability in it, here is the complete guide that can assist you with the most simple and proficient approach.

You obviously need to have good hands on the iOS app development environment with Xcode and then after developing the desired application, you just need to efficiently manage all the geolocation data related to your users. Integrating featuring and tweaking the database in order to make the app correctly respond to the user data make managing the geolocation data a cumbersome task. However, it can be accomplished with the utmost ease by implementing this rapid solution. It is like using an instant backend server solution with a ready-built backend.

It helps ensure a fast and agile response with instant interactions with the server and app. This service basically facilitates PaaS (that is, Platform as a System), which augments the app data management in the cloud. For this, you just need to connect your service with some PaaS service like Parse, Kinvey, etc., and to establish the connection, simply insert a few lines of code into your application code. This will allow you to easily embrace geolocation interaction in your application by initializing the relevant SDK and dropping the geolocation API of the PaaS provider. With this superlative approach you can configure and run your very own backend within a few minutes.

Functioning of PaaS backend server

hire iPhone app programmerThis can be easily tackled if you hire iPhone app programmer who can make server connected with the application to the Internet and forms a connection between all your stuff stashed on the web via an intermediary data management platform. No matter where your data is stored (in a third party data store or in a highly-secure, cloud-based service), the server will form the bridge between the app and your Internet data.

After establishing the connection and configuring the application in a desired way, you can use the data in a way you want to. This service via the geolocation services can lend you amazing capabilities like search places, update places, create places, query places and a lot more.

Reap the benefits of its flexibility and incredible offerings, by creating an innovative and highly functional geolocation application. A well-design and superior functions of your app can help you make a hefty amount in an efficient fashion.

5 Step process to passing data from UITableView to Detail View Controller

19 Sep

Image 1The incredible performance of iOS devices has encouraged developers to get engaged in iOS programming avenues. As someone who’s new to the field of iOS programming, there might be situations wherein you may want to pass the data from UITableView to Detail View Controller. In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps that are involved with the process of passing data from UITableView to Detail View Controller.

Here, I’ll be using a NSMutableArray that will be loaded with data fetched from Wikipedia. If you find it convenient to use SQLite data for populating the array or Core Data, you may opt for the same. And now, the steps involved in passing data from UITableView to Detail View Controller:

Step 1- Create the SampleData and Project NSObject Subclass

For such iPhone Application Development Services, simply create a Single View Application project and once you’re done with it, add a new NSObject subclass called SampleData. Next, in the header file, add three instance variables to represent the data as explained below:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface SampleData : NSObject

@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString * treeName;

@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString * treeDescription;

@property(nonatomic,strong) UIImage * treePicture;


After this, synthesize the aforementioned three variables.

Step 2- Add the SampleDataDAO Subclass

Image 2

For this, create the SampleDataDA class and load the data in the data source. In the header file, define a NSMutableArray for the data source as shown below:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "SampleData.h"

@interface SampleDataDAO : NSObject

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray * someDataArray;

-(NSMutableArray *)PopulateDataSource;


Step 3- Build UITableViewController

For this, all you need to do is simply open the storyboard and add a new UITableViewController from the Object Library. With the UITableViewController selected, right click on the Cell Prototype and drag the connection to the DetailViewController. Further, with the Cell Prototype selected, open the Attributes inspector and name the Call in the identifier field. Once you’re done with the creation of segue, select it and open the Attributes inspector, followed by entering the “treeCell” identifier field.

Step 4- Configure the cellForRowAtIndexPath method

Image 3This is done for adding the data source to the cells. Here, you’ll need to change the value of the CellIdentifier to the name that has been defined in the storyboard’s Cell Prototype. Here’s the listing for the complete implementation of the cellForRowAtIndexPath method:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath


    static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"treeCell";


    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];

    if (cell == nil) {

        cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier];




    SampleData * sample = [self.ds objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

    cell.textLabel.text = sample.treeName;

    NSLog(@"Cell Value %d %@",indexPath.row,  cell.textLabel.text);


    return cell;


Step 5- Develop the kIViewController Class

You can either avail iPhone App Developer for Hire or start this by simply opening the storyboard and adding a UITextField and an UIImageView to the view controller that has already been created with the initial project. After this, create IBOutlets for both; UITextField and UIImageView by control dragging connections to the header file and naming them as treeInfo and treePicture respectively. Next, define a SampleData instance variable called treeData which will contain the SampleData information that needs to be selected in the kIListViewController. See the listing below:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import "SampleData.h"

@class SampleData;

@interface klViewController : UIViewController

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextView *treeInfo;

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *treePicture;

@property (nonatomic, strong) SampleData * treeData;


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So, those were the five simple-to-follow steps that enable an iOS developer to pass data from UITableView to DetailViewController. Hope you’d have found the steps interesting and worthy enough to implement in the best possible manner.